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How can we convince customers to trust our AI Employees?

I was delighted to speak in Vilnius at the conference on June 8th about how we can help end users trust AI systems. My talk covered three key questions I hear often in my conversations with business leader on AI: With AI technology at a position where it’s ready to take on user’s tasks, how do we convince those users they want to talk to a virtual employee? How do they come to trust that technology and choose that experience in the future? How do we help them prefer AI when it’s the best way to complete a task so we can free up human time for the situations when an AI system isn’t the right way to deal with it?

How we go about a conversation on a chat or messaging platform has a huge impact on the personal authority the human or virtual employee presents to the user. We need to ensure that, just as we support our human employees, we support our virtual employees in giving them the access and knowledge to demonstrate upfront enough to convince consumers this isn’t just another annoying IVR.

I go through 10 key things to think about when designing that interaction.

  1. Consider your surroundings
  2. Show you understand the situation
  3. Exchange small pieces of data that show your understanding and insight
  4. Personify
  5. Be useful
  6. Fully close out the interaction
  7. Be honest and transparent with your bot data
  8. Work nicely with your human colleagues
  9. Support your humans with the same level of AI
  10. Once trust is established don’t abuse it

You can see the full talk and video here:

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Humans and AI working in partnership